Hello everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience, but our host decided to upgrade their servers yesterday, and in the process, they encountered some difficulties.
Here are our notes during this process taken from them
So hopefully now it won't happen again. And if it does I set a redirect to our very old blog here:
Here are our notes during this process taken from them
approx. 11:00am EST Sunday: servers go down for upgrade.
approx. 2:00pm EST Sunday: becomes known that something went wrong.
3:30pm EST Sunday - HOST RESPONSE - there are some issues with the storage array on that particular node and I am trying to fix it..
approx : 10:30am EST Monday: Servers seem to be functional again, but mysql still down, databases throwing errors
4:20pm EST Monday: Servers go back down, upgrade finally? in progress.
4:37 EST Monday: -HOST RESPONSE - [we are] trying to get everyones accounts right and the specs of the server right
8:07 Monday EST: after 33 hours of down time, we are back!!!!
So hopefully now it won't happen again. And if it does I set a redirect to our very old blog here: