Welcome to Hackers Alliance!

Last of my Socom 2 Codes

  • Archived

    The forum is archived and used for testing. It is currently read-only to visitors.
    It has been upgraded from vBulletin 3.8.x to XenForo for security purposes and future-proofing. Proprietary code and modifications (such as code database and HA bot) are broken with XenForo and will stay only with vBulletin.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
1UP's Revamped Animation Menu
2040efe0 725020BD
2040efe4 20656E6F
2040efe8 B620312B
2040efec 00000000
2040eff0 00000000
2040f000 725020BD
2040f004 20656E6F
2040f008 B620312B
2040f00c 00000000
2040f010 00000000
20204784 0c030040
20204788 00000000
200c0100 3c190041
200c0104 8f389cd8
200c0108 240f00ff
200c010c 130f0005
200c0114 270e0001
200c0118 af2e9cd8
200c011c 10000003
200c0124 240d0001
200c0128 af2d9cd8
200c012c 03e00008
2040f0a0 725020B7
2040f0a4 20656E6F
2040f0ac 2020312D
2040f0b0 000000B7
2040f0c0 725020B7
2040f0c4 20656E6F
2040f0c8 2020312D
2040f0cc 000000B7
2040f0d0 00000000
2020489c 0c030080
202048a0 00000000
200c0200 3c190041
200c0204 8f389cd8
200c0208 240f00ff
200c020c 130f0004
200c0210 240e0001
200c0214 030e6822
200c0218 af2d9cd8
200c021c 00000000
200c0220 03e00008
2040f0d8 695220A7
2040f0dc 656C6666
2040f0e0 20312B20
2040f0e4 000000A7
2040f0e8 695220A7
2040f0ec 656c6666
2040f0f0 20312b20
2040f0f4 000000A7
20204fa0 0c0300c0
200c0400 3c190041
200c0404 8f389d30
200c0408 240f00ff
200c040c 130f0005
200c0414 270e0001
200c0418 af2e9d30
200c041c 10000003
200c0424 240d0001
200c0428 af2d9d30
200c042c 03e00008
2040f020 695220bc
2040f024 656c6666
2040f028 31202d20
2040f02c 0000be20
2040f030 00000000
2040f034 00000000
2040f038 00000000
2040f03c 00000000
2040f040 695220bc
2040f044 656c6666
2040f048 31202d20
2040f04c 0000be20
2040f050 00000000
2040f054 00000000
2040f058 00000000
202048f4 0c030140
202048f8 00000000
200c0500 3c190041
200c0504 8f389d30
200c0508 240f00ff
200c050c 130f0004
200c0510 240e0001
200c0514 030e6822
200c0518 af2d9d30
200c051c 00000000
200c0520 03e00008

New No respawn restrictions
202758dc 00000000

No Round time
202a8768 00000000

Voicemodulation = Switchteams
20204784 0C09F8C4
20204788 00000000

Run and talk= switch teams
2020489c 0C09F8C4
202048a0 00000000

Firemode = switch teams
202048f4 0C09F8C4

Every round a tie breaker
201fb698 00000000

No At-4 Smoke trail
20c72bfc 00000000

No RPG smoke trail
20c7311c 00000000

Load save game list =format
20408a98 0027f290

Prone to death/ Jump skywalker
2034c15c 00000000

Bright puffy smoke
20347f20 03e00008
20347f24 00000000

No Popups
2027fe20 03e00008
2027fe24 00000000

No Censor ( only works on your screen)
20278660 03e00008
20278664 00000000

Hella Fast flash
2028be30 00000000
2028be34 00000000

Increasing Jump (Send a taunt)
2022fa44 0c028000
200a0000 3c080045
200a0004 8d09f5e8
200a0008 3c0a0030
200a000c 01495820
200a0010 ad0bf5e8
200a0014 3c0c40a9
200a0018 358c999a
200a001c 158b0004
200a0024 3c0d3f59
200a0028 35ad999a
200a002c ad0df5e8
200a0030 03e00008

2x Primaries
204086c8 002838f0

New Force (G^)
202c5cc8 0c0aa0b4

Taunt = switch teams
2022fa44 0C09F8C4

No Round time
202a8768 00000000

Every round a tie breaker
201fb698 00000000

No Crawling sounds
202fb060 00000000

No landing sounds
202fb090 00000000

No walking Sounds
202fb000 00000000

Slowmo Ladder Climb
2028aec0 c4e00090

Dark Character v2
2033c450 00000000

Stretch armstrong v2
201c0770 44087000

Chicken Mcnugget V2
201c076c 00000000

Live color change on
Uses UP down left and right
D045259C 0000****
20216da0 0c038065
200e017c 3c000040
200e0180 0000ffef
200e0184 0000ffbf
200e0188 0000ff7f
200e018c 0000ffdf
200e0190 0000fffe
200e0194 3c08004c
200e0198 3c090045
200e019c 3c0a000e
200e01a0 9529259c
200e01a4 954b0180
200e01a8 954c0184
200e01ac 954d0188
200e01b0 954e018c
200e01b4 954f0190
200e01b8 11690009
200e01c0 1189000d
200e01c8 11a90011
200e01d0 11c90015
200e01d8 11e90019
200e01e0 c5008590
200e01e4 c541017c
200e01e8 46000880
200e01ec e5028590
200e01f0 10000017
200e01f8 c5008590
200e01fc c541017c
200e0200 46000881
200e0204 e5028590
200e0208 10000011
200e0210 c5008584
200e0214 c541017c
200e0218 46000880
200e021c e5028584
200e0220 1000000b
200e0228 c5008584
200e022c c541017c
200e0230 46010081
200e0234 e5028584
200e0238 10000005
200e0240 3c193f80
200e0244 37390000
200e0248 ad198590
200e024c ad198584
200e0250 03e00008

D045259C 0000****
20216da0 0c07dac0

Ghetto Acid trip
D045259C 0000****
20216da0 0c0380a9
200e029c 3c000020
200e02a0 3c000010
200e02a4 3c08004c
200e02a8 3c09000e
200e02ac c5008590
200e02b0 c52102a0
200e02b4 46000880
200e02b8 e5028590
200e02bc c5038584
200e02c0 c524029c
200e02c4 46032140
200e02c8 e5058584
200e02cc 03e00008

D045259C 0000****
20216da0 0c07dac0
204b8584 3f800000
204b8590 3f800000

r0001 Patch
Disable Patch Download
202766b0 03e00008
202766b4 00000000

No disconnects
2027f660 03e00008
2027f664 00000000

Unban Names
20408908 0027ef60

bomb teleport
D045259c 0000****
203265a0 03e00008

D045259c 0010****
203265a0 c4810000

Load Codes Sub
D045259c 0000BBFF
20226b3c 0c0310ca
200c4328 3c08000c
200c432c 35084360
200c4330 8d090000
200c4334 8d0a0004
200c4338 11200005
200c4340 ad2a0000
200c4348 1000fff8
200c434c 25080008
200c4350 03e00008


Hackers Alliance Veteran
Sep 18, 2010
holly smokes that first one is big! how long did that take to make? nice codes
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.

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  • Hackers Alliance is a small community forum about gaming and console hacking. Join our humble community to share ideas, game cheats, mods, and be part of an amazing growing community!

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